Webinar: The Future of Reading is Social

Christophe Spy/ October 21, 2020/ Webinars/ 0 comments

Recap of The Future of Reading is Social

In October of 2019, viewers from around the globe joined Nicolas Princen, Founder and CEO of Glose and Jim McVety, Managing Partner at First Step Advisors, in an EdWebinar focusing on Glose for Education’s pivotal role in using cues from social media and screen time statistics to make reading more collaborative and accessible for all students.  Nicolas shares insights learned throughout Glose for Education’s journey in harnessing the power of technological devices by tuning into what makes them so compelling for today’s young digital natives. If you missed learning about this asset-based approach to device-based reading that is helping to reshape what the future of reading looks like, you can find the taped version linked here.  If you don’t have the time to watch, check out the highlights from the webinar below!

What is Glose for Education?

Founder and CEO, Nicolas Princen, shares the meaning behind the name ‘Glose’ and how the platform works to mirror the connectivity of the reading process and the role reading attitudes and statistics have had in the development of Glose for Education. The platform works to harness the current interests of student readers and is at the forefront of making reading appealing for a tech-friendly generation.

Quick click through of Glose for Education via a teacher account

Reading tools that grab and maintain student interest are embedded within a classroom feed.  Preview how to navigate around a teacher account by exploring ways to interact with texts and embed questions and annotations right into the virtual margins.

10 takeaways from incorporating social into reading

Jim and Nicolas discuss how data, collaboration, personal space, and mobility continue to be the drive behind making a social reading scenario work in any reading space.  Learn about the 10 compelling points that Nicolas has learned through teacher feedback and classroom use.

A teacher’s reflection on how Glose for Education overcame obstacles in the classroom

An anecdote of a middle school teacher that uses the Glose for Education platform in her classroom is shared.  A student, Kevin, was inspired by the accessibility of the social platform and thrived as a result.  Teachers all over the country are finding that Glose for Education is making reading acceptable, accessible, and affirming, and therefore leading to more students wanting to, and continuing to read, even after class has ended.

Glose for EducatIon supports learning needs of readers

During the post-event Q&A, viewer questions are answered around how Glose for Education supports readers that have dyslexia and how all teachers can benefit from using this resource in their classrooms.

Glose for Education is your proud next generational digital reading platform for the classroom, library, and home.  If you’re interested in how Glose for Education can provide a collaborative reading platform for you and your classrooms, please reach out to us at hi@glose.education or visit Glose.education.

Building Literacy-Rich Environments

Literacy-rich environments focus on students being actively and meaningfully engaged in reading, writing, speaking, and listening with consideration of both digital and written formats.

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